How to prepare current affair 2020

Curren Affairs is the trickiest part of UPSC. With the weightage of current affairs increasing year after year one cannot ignore it for Prelims as well as Mains.
In terms of current affairs there is good and bad news. The bad news is how much ever you study it will always be insufficient. There is nobody who can cover the entire current affairs. There will always be some questions in the exams which you will not have an idea about.
The good news is there is plenty of material available online and offline. Instead of reading the newspaper, one can also take up the compiled material which is available. Better would be to watch videos and study. This can help you save your time as well as give you the flexibility to study wherever and whenever you want to.
Also, connecting the material read to the syllabus is the most important thing. For this you can take the guidance of some mentor till you have learned the knack of it.
If you want to watch videos on current affairs please go through some  have put on UPSC Pathshala, which provides video content for UPSC Preparation
                                                                    By Suneel kumar

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